(303) 750-3660
schedule free exam

Schedule A Free Exam

At Kohrs Orthodontics, we understand the importance of the finding the perfect fit with the orthodontic family you choose. We would love for you to come into the office and meet our amazing doctor and team! We offer free exams, which include photos and an x-ray, and a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Kohrs and our Treatment Coordinator. If Dr. Kohrs feels you are ready, we can get you started that day!

Book A Free In-Office Exam

We know you have a busy schedule, or you may just love the idea of an orthodontic consultation that doesn’t require you to even change out of pajamas, either way, a virtual consult is a great way to get your treatment questions answered! Most patients want to know the best time to start, how long it might take, and what it will cost. Now you can get all of these questions answered without ever leaving home! The Kohrs Orthodontics Online Smile Assessment allows you to take and send us photos, and give us insight about your treatment goals.

Free Virtual Consultation

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